Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Increase Number of Street Urchins in Turkana County- Am Concerned

AM CONCERNED, how many children/orphanage/care homes does Turkana County boosts of? how many street children are in Turkana County currently, the correlation here is abnormal where you see alot of the urchins in the streets, loitering in the villages though the night. Can it be a failure by our parents morally, can it be increased poverty rates, can it be the homes do not for these guys, am just concerned that something must be done, moreso on sensitization and advocacy.

Developed countries do not have orphanages, it is not pride to have the kids staying in a compound where they are fed using donors money, it is disheartening and not a good picture. Can we go out there and talk to our children, Lets visit parents at home and talk to them through Chief barazas, Public Holidays, Mobilization meetings.

Another lot are the school going pupils, they are nowadays exposed to the world more than we did, some will not attend classes rather go for movies in town and atg night you will find them loitering in the villages, looking for where there is music, where there is ceremonies and the like. And as they do all these, are the parents aware? do they have time with there kids, do care how their kids feed, sleep or school. Something must be done.

Coming up with a childrens' home is the best thing we should come up with when dealing with these cases, but many have failed especially where we do not have counsellors to guide these guys through career choices,life skills and so on rather than feeding them with food for the stomach only as we will still be creating problems for them, Talk of when donors fail to give money to feed them, they will go out ofcourse to look for food and its dangerous since they might not com back again. Some of the kids we are talking about here do not lack food literally, but apparently social problems ranging from peer pressure, parents non carelesness and what have you.

Finally, am concerned that in 10 children in Turkana 6 are street urchins, this alarming, lets step up and help this upcoming generation, or else we will be grooming murderers, thieves and a rotten future, then the Kenya Prisons will increase cells and establish new ones. Actually the chiefs would be of help especially in big sub locations such as Lodwar Township, Kanamkemer, Lokichoggio, Kakuma, Lokichar, Kainuk and Kalokol, northern Kenya. The chiefs should discourage night loitering, kids should not be left to attend night funeral ceremonies till late, Jamsessions and what of you and we will have a secure future.

Kablit Sam


Mirrage Business Consultancies LTD

1 comment:

  1. It is really a concern that every sane person reading it,will automatically agree with you.
