Thursday, 23 October 2014

Facing South, Peace Missions in Turkana

There has been bloodshed, many lives have been lost along the Pokot/ turkana boarder, many schools have been closed down due to invasion by communities along the border line, in this case Turkana and Pokot.
A lot has been reported on cattle rustling and killings, just this month alone hundreds of lives have been reported, others shot while looking after their livestock, others while attending their small firms and even innocent travelers along Kitale- Lodwar Road. Another incident occurred at the notorious Kasarani plains adjacent to Lomelo settlements where a Kenya Police vehicle transporting KCSE national exams to Kapedo was attacked, the officers shot and the vehicle burnt to ashes.
In November 2013 bandits from Pokot held hostage GSU officers providing security at Lorogon Village which is adjacent to Turkwel Gorge. About 300 armed youth could even allow even the helicopter of the Rift Valley police boss to land to handle the disputes, they almost brought it down.
Among many other, killings along this boarder line have been rampant. Even as this is happening our leaders have never been united to defend our people, we do not have to wake up and plan warfare, we cannot fight, kill and cattle rustle the whole of our life. We need peace, we need to trade with our neighbors, we need to intermarry amongst ourselves, and among other things we will forever share the boarders and therefore need to accept this fact and try manage the situation at hand. We need peace
Although as much as Turkana has been doing peace meetings and more specifically the Lokiriama Peace Accord, we have always concentrated our efforts towards making peace with the neighbors bordering us at the west and North, nothing tangible as ever been geared towards south turkana; maybe the intervention need to be changed or something!
Monies have been allocated by National and County Governments. Many NGOs working in Turkana County have put more efforts and even funds on peace initiatives. They have worked in some areas and not in others especially along the South and East boarder line. But little efforts have been geared towards the south and east, and therefore little results have been realized, in fact none.
It is time we go south and do more peace initiatives; we have seen ourselves going to Moroto in Uganda, Ileret, Kapoeta in Sudan, Nadapal, Omurate in Ethiopia, we have made peace with these neighbors from the said regions, we should therefore put more emphasis on peace initiatives with our neighbors in Pokot.
However it can also be that in the small way we are influencing peace, that we are not using better interventions, we might have failed in some methods and therefore might need to change and use other avenues. I know and the whole world knows Turkana people love peace; we have always initiated these processes, the reason why people here live harmoniously and work with people from other tribes.
Finally, our heritage needs protection from consequences that come with insecurity, we will lose our dignity as a peace loving people if we engage ourselves in wars and cattle rustling, we will chase away potential investors who have in the recent past been surveying, we will close schools along the borders and our war against illiteracy would have failed a great deal, our small scale farming activities in such areas as Katilu, Nakwamoru in Turkana South, Morulem, elelea and katilia in urkana East. Our food basket will drop immensely and people will die of hunger.
Peace is the foundation of development; we won’t expect to lose our ground on establishing a resilient Turkana County in the future.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Of Turkanas who moved to Uganda, What happened to them!!

Hi All
I needed to share this out, we are quite and am concerned. What happened to the 30,000 Households that moved to our neighboring countries? Does anybody even care for them? There are very many relief interventions that do not reach them that I know. The County Government Emergency programme and the many NGOs that want to meet them but can not be able to due to interational laws and constraints. What happens when we segregate among our people, what happens when our fellows are not benefiting from what other citizens of equal measure are! Can we do something for them, can we go for them?

Things were said about reaching them for relief interventions, what happened? Were they reached? if not why are we keeping quiet? We need to go there. County Government MUST talk with the UGANDA Government to help us identify where they are, give the information to relevant bodies for action, for if we can go there for peace talks and the famous Lokiriama Peace Accord of the ATEKER, that bring together all the ATEKER members from UGANDA, KENYA, SUDAN and ETHIOPIA together. It is hunger that took them there, it was not their wish and we have all the reasons to look food for them. WE NEED TO GO THERE!!!

We will not just keep quiet and let our brothers and sisters suffer like that. APA MULELE for example has a KRAAL that moved with him to UGANDA they are not bagandas or karamoja they need us who belong with them among others who went there and South Sudan. ANYBODY HEARING THIS!!!

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Boda Boda Operator Police Killings in Lodwar

Hi All

This is the third time in a row all we are experiencing demos from Boda Boda Operators, we need to ponder and think outside the box, like What is really happening, facts as put and as to why they are being chased by the Police
1. most of Boda Boda operators do not have driving (riding for this matter) license
2. most of them do not have insurance cover for the Motorbikes
3. Most of them do not wear riding gears; helmets, reflectors and boots
4. Most of them will wake up in the morning train how to ride and in the afternoon busy in the stages looking for customers to carry among others,
and as much as the Boda Boda oportunity has enabled most of our unemployed youth to have alternative ways of earning away from crimes that we've been experiencing, I condemn and urge them to follow traffic rules, we have seen they themselves dying out of accidents of careless riding, we have seen them knocking off and injuring or killing people. Yesterday and today was not a good experience for Business people in Lodwar town, Many have lost millions of cash in stock, shops have been broken into that has prompted others to close down businesses, prices of commodities have hiked up, I also want to say that those who are doing these can not necessarily be Boda Boda Riders but a blend of them and some idle guys in town who wait for such chaos and conflicts to loot from people who have sweat from hardwork to establish such businesses.

Justice should be done to the fallen hero and peace be found towards these wars. I want to plea to the County Government and especially the Ministry of Transport, Roads and Infrustructure to look into these, it was a good gesture you showed when you took the Boda riders for training at Burget Driving School, they will know traffic rules, but it will be hard for some of them to purchase Helmets, Acquire Insurance Cover and reflectors, apparently what Police require them to do. To avoid all these, can the County Government help these young men through Youth Fund available at the Ministry of Social Services, gender, Human Resource developement and Education by giving them funds even if its through Loans for them to purchase the riding gears. This way we will not experiences demos, shop-looting, deaths and injuries. Meanwhile lets allow dialoque and consultations prevail, the boys and the one lady should given like 2 months to enable them
buy the gears and am sure demos will be a thing of the past. Kori kwai ngitunga akop!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Increase Number of Street Urchins in Turkana County- Am Concerned

AM CONCERNED, how many children/orphanage/care homes does Turkana County boosts of? how many street children are in Turkana County currently, the correlation here is abnormal where you see alot of the urchins in the streets, loitering in the villages though the night. Can it be a failure by our parents morally, can it be increased poverty rates, can it be the homes do not for these guys, am just concerned that something must be done, moreso on sensitization and advocacy.

Developed countries do not have orphanages, it is not pride to have the kids staying in a compound where they are fed using donors money, it is disheartening and not a good picture. Can we go out there and talk to our children, Lets visit parents at home and talk to them through Chief barazas, Public Holidays, Mobilization meetings.

Another lot are the school going pupils, they are nowadays exposed to the world more than we did, some will not attend classes rather go for movies in town and atg night you will find them loitering in the villages, looking for where there is music, where there is ceremonies and the like. And as they do all these, are the parents aware? do they have time with there kids, do care how their kids feed, sleep or school. Something must be done.

Coming up with a childrens' home is the best thing we should come up with when dealing with these cases, but many have failed especially where we do not have counsellors to guide these guys through career choices,life skills and so on rather than feeding them with food for the stomach only as we will still be creating problems for them, Talk of when donors fail to give money to feed them, they will go out ofcourse to look for food and its dangerous since they might not com back again. Some of the kids we are talking about here do not lack food literally, but apparently social problems ranging from peer pressure, parents non carelesness and what have you.

Finally, am concerned that in 10 children in Turkana 6 are street urchins, this alarming, lets step up and help this upcoming generation, or else we will be grooming murderers, thieves and a rotten future, then the Kenya Prisons will increase cells and establish new ones. Actually the chiefs would be of help especially in big sub locations such as Lodwar Township, Kanamkemer, Lokichoggio, Kakuma, Lokichar, Kainuk and Kalokol, northern Kenya. The chiefs should discourage night loitering, kids should not be left to attend night funeral ceremonies till late, Jamsessions and what of you and we will have a secure future.

Kablit Sam


Mirrage Business Consultancies LTD

Saturday, 1 February 2014

We Have Wasted River Turkwel and our Productive Soils
Hi All

Turkana is a Rich if not richest County in Kenya. I happen to have visited some areas of this great county. Go to Turkana South (angolol) zone, go to Turkana East (Morulem) and all you see is green and green and green. The lands have been irrigated so much, not greens, not veges, not maize, not beans, not fruits, no sugarcane, no millets, no sorgum can miss here.

During harvestig time all stores are filled with stocks of food other farmers sell their produce to National Cereals and Produce Board. others go ahead and export to other counties, talk of West Pokot and Tranz nzoia, at some point I wonder so much, that there is a household in the north, central and west that can not afford  meals for some days and then am like noooo, something must be done, the exporting and selling of the irrigation produce clearly shows us that these farmers and their households have had enough stored for some time until another harvest season and then resort to selling off some for other financial needs.

Am very sure if we go there way, Turkana County will be food secure. I have gone round Turkana County and found that we have many Irrigation-possible sites: In turkana west we have Letea/loritit, Lokangae, Lopur, Nanam, Loreng,Lopwarin, Tarach, Songot et al, Loima has Lochor emeyan,Koono, Kalemnyang, Kangalita, Puch, urum, lorengippi, Turkwel, Napeikar, Nabuin,Nadapal et al, Turkana Central has all the areas along River Turkwel, Lorengelup, Chokchok, Napuu, Naotin et all.

We should not be talking of Dog meats again, hunger is a natural disaster that can be caused by climate change and its negative impacts, but again this s something we an control moving forward. Talk of setting up Irrigation schemes Policies, atleast I have managed to identify some rich soils around Turkana County, lets make boreholes, dams, make use of the River Turwkwel and River Kerio that apparently are the only two permanent rivers around.

Small scale farming is already underway along River Turwel and Kerio, which is a good gesture, But we need to encourage comercialization and Value Chain Irrigation Schemes farming, all the produce from these farming ends in the Households, such for markets for these guys will do them good.We have institutions that can consume these products, Schools, Lodwar District Hospital, Medical Training College, areas of residence around Turkana County, we need to encourage domestic markets on the same as we go on vnturing into interior Turkana.

Am confident this is possible, am sure of a Food Secure Turkana, it does not bring a good picture of us that we are in he news for all bad reasons, Hunger stands tall among all, we can not allow this to happen when we can help ourselves first. Lets do this and we will have a VERY FOOD SECURE TURKANA. My Prayers.

Thank You

Kablit Ewoton Samuel
National Youth Council
Turkana County