Thursday, 20 June 2013

Orphan Fisher-Child at the Waters

NAME: Brian Amaniman
YEARS: 11 yrs
RESIDENCE: Turkana County, Turkana Central District, Kalokol Location, Namukuse sub location
It is a sunny day around Lake Turkana, am here to buy fish pieces for my lunch at the Longech arc that is partly surrounded by Lake Turkana. Almost everybody is fish monger here, from female to male, big and small; one such person is Brian!
Brian has his only uncle who practices fishing in the jade sea, since brian is still young, the only way he can help his uncle is to assist in scrubbing fish scales and washing them. They later sale the fish to fish mongers who come and buy them at the sea shore. Brian practices these every weekend, every time there is no school. He is therefore part of feeding his grandmother who cannot be able to feed herself, his uncle ESEKON is married and live with his wife, so brian has to take care of the Granny; fetch water, go to the market and buy food, fish to support the family and at the same time attend school.
Brian is in class 6 at Longech Primary School. He looks forward to finishing school and become a medical Doctor in future.
Brian Lost all his parents at the Lake, on day the parents had gone fishing at the lake, heading towards Loyangalani; the other side of the lake since they had want to get the many fishes found there. Suddenly there was storm as they reached the middle of the sea; they could not control the POSTS home-made RAFT. They capsized due to the heavy storms and tides, the grandmother, the uncle and brian received the news with much grief, that they couldn’t even be able to bury the bodies with final respect
There are many cases similar to Brian’s along the lake, many cases of dropouts are rampant here, as a source of livelihood for many kids who have lost their parents due to capsizing or rather normal deaths.
Brian hopes that one day he might be able to complete his education, get a job and help other orphans like him, most desperate people around Longech, as it stands now he is dedicate to ensure her grandmother feeds every day, gets water among others.
He is appealing therefore for any well-wisher who shall enable him complete his education and help in supporting his grandmother.

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